This sauce is great for any dessert topping, or even perhaps a waffle topping for breakfast!

- Swerve Brown Sugar, 1 cup
- I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, 3 Tbls.
- Salt, one pinch
- Fat Free Milk, 1/2 cup
- Vanilla Extract, 1 tsp.
1. In medium sauce pan add the brown sugar, milk, butter and salt. Bring the temperature to a medium-high heat, until boiling, constantly stirring with whisk.
2. Reduce heat to low-medium and add vanilla. Whisk well. Bring sauce back up to boiling and stir for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to sit for an additional two minutes. Sauce will thicken slightly, but will not be as thick as normal caramel sauce. 3. Serve & Enjoy!
Makes 2 servings. 1 freestyle point per serving.
***Serve over any type of dessert, fruit or over a breakfast waffle with strawberries and Fat Free Reddi Whip.***