So...Brussel sprouts CAN be tasty? YEP! They sure can!
- Brussel Sprouts, 1 pound cut into fours
- Onion, 1 large diced
- Minced Garlic, 1 tsp.
- I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Spray, as needed
- Salt, to taste
- Pepper, to taste
- Tony Chacheres, to taste (optional)
- Onion Powder, to taste
1. In large skillet on medium heat, add onion, ICBINB Spray (about 1-2 Tbls., at first - May use more if needed or desired), Minced Garlic and Brussel sprouts. Sauté the ingredients, adding in the seasonings as needed.
2. Allow the ingredients to slowly roast on low-medium heat, lightly tossing often, until fully cooked. The Brussel sprouts will be soft and aromatic, when finished cooking.
3. Serve & Enjoy!
Makes 4 servings. 0-Freestyle points per serving.