A WW friendly version, for a favorite kind of breakfast toast.
- Nature's Own 40 Calorie Bread, 3 slices
- Eggs, 2 medium
- Ground Cinnamon, 1 tsp.
- Nutmeg, 1/4 tsp. (Optional)
- I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, 3 Tbls.
- Sukrin Gold, 2 Tbls.
- 1% Milk, 1/4 cup
- Sugar Free Syrup, 2 Tbls.
1. Spray skillet with PAM and set stove top burner temperature on medium heat. Set bread to the side.
2. Mix all ingredients together, except bread, syrup and PAM.
3. Dip bread, on both sides, into milk mixture. Place in skillet. Allow to brown on each side. Remove from heat and set on plate.
4. Top with SF syrup.
5. Serve & Enjoy!
Makes 1 serving. 4 freestyle points per serving.
***You can use a different type of bread and sugar replacement. Just make sure the bread has the same point value as the one used above, and the sugar replacement is 0-calorie, to maintain the same point value.***