Are you missing those waffles you used to love so much? It's time to curb those cravings!

- Premier Protein Powder, Vanilla, 1 scoop
- egg, 1 large
- Baking powder, 1 tsp.
- Salt, 1 pinch
- I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, 5 sprays
- Water. 1 Tbls.
- Sukrin Gold, 2 tsp.
- Vanilla Extract, 1 tsp.
1. Mix all ingredients together in small mixing bowl. You can add more water if you need to, but add it sparingly.
2. Place in greased, hot waffle iron. Let cook until waffle iron has cooked it through.
3. Serve & Enjoy!
***You could possibly use a different brand of protein powder, though I am unsure how it will turn out. If you do change the protein powder brand, make sure to account for the possible difference in point value. You may also use a different 0 calorie sweetener, if you so choose.***
Makes one serving. 3 freestyle points per serving.